Parish Nurse
p: 276.699.2101 ext.128
About Me — I was raised in Atlanta, Georgia and received my nursing degree from DeKalb College. Following graduation, I began my career working at Wesley Woods Health Center where I met and married Ray Smith. When we moved to South Carolina for his first church appointment, I began working with the Department of Health and Environmental Control as a Public Health Nurse. I considered it an honor to serve the people of South Carolina for 45 years either full or part time depending on our circumstances. When we moved to Bristol and joined State Street UMC I took the Parish Nurse Course and was approved to work with Patty Kilbreath here. I also volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corp of SW Virginia and work as a mission volunteer in Guatemala. Ray and I have three daughters and six grandchildren. After moving for many years, we are enjoying our location in our “forever” home.
What I like to do for fun and relaxation — I like to swim laps, paint, and read.
Favorite food — I love sharp cheese plain or cooked in anything!
Favorite music — Pop rock and classical
Favorite vacation spot — Road Scholars trips and Guatemala
Bible character I most identify with — Ruth
Favorite Bible verse — Micah 6:8
What I like best about State Street UMC — The multigenerational and multicultural outreach programs and recovery program. The Fish Program and beautiful music. State Street reaches out to others with the love of Christ.